

Patient rights and responsibilities
(extract from the Organisational Regulations of the Independent Public Complex of Health Care Facilities at the University Hospital in Kraków)

Dear Sir/Madam!

These rights and responsibilities have been drawn up for your convenience.
Reading them will facilitate your stay at the Hospital and enable us to guarantee you the sense of safety and improve the course of hospital care.


  1. The rights of the Hospital patients are derived from the relevant regulations of the law, especially
    from the Act on Patient Rights and the Patient Rights Advocate.
  2. The list of patient rights is provided a public and visible location, e.g. on information boards in particular Clinical Departments and other organisational units and cells providing health care services and on the Hospital’s website at
  3. Patients admitted to the Clinical Department is informed by the medical personnel about the location of its hospital care, i.e. about the name and address of the Clinical Department, room number, and provided with other organisational information regarding the Department, such as: name and surname of the Chief of the Clinical Department and the doctor in charge appointed by the Chief to ensure ongoing care and control over the course of hospital care.
  4. During the first visit, the Chief of the Clinical Department, doctor in charge and department nurse are obliged to introduce themselves to the patient. This obligation also applies to the medical personnel (doctor, nurse) on medical duty and providing health care services.
  5. The patients on hospital care receive identification tags which include information about the patient’s name, surname and date of birth, provided in a manner enabling the patient’s identification by unauthorised persons.




  1. Each patient has the right to be visited. Patient visits take place throughout the entire week. Due to the Clinical Department’s specificity and the organisation of the services provided at it, the Chief of the Clinical Department can determine specific times of patient visits.
  2. Each decision limiting patient visits, due to epidemiological hazards and safety can be made by the Director or Chief of the Clinical Department in a written form and should include justification and the expected period of visit limitation.
  3. The patient can be visited simultaneously by no more than two persons. Due to the Department’s specificity, the Chief of the Clinical Department can determine a different number of visitors.
  4. People under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants are not admitted to enter the department.
  5. Visitors and persons providing additional nursing services are obliged to comply with all recommendations and advice of the hospital personnel.
  6. Visitors and persons providing additional nursing services are especially obliged to act in a mannerly fashion and avoid disturbing the other patients as well as to obtain the approval of the Department’s doctor or nurse to provide the patient with food products and beverages.
  7. In case of infringing the visitation principles, the medical personnel is entitled to demand such persons to leave the Hospital immediately. In particularly justified cases, the personnel calls the Hospital security and can call the Police, of which the infringing person is previously informed.
  8. Detailed information about the time of patient visits and the visitation conditions specified above are provided at the entrance of each Clinical Department in a visible location.



The patients have the following responsibilities:

  1. Be respectful to other patients and the personnel.
  2. The patient must wear the identification tags provided during admittance.
  3. It is necessary to comply with the principles of personal hygiene.
  4. It is necessary to comply with the daily schedule when staying in the Clinical Department.
  5. Keep the objects (e.g. cabinets) provided to the patient and their immediate vicinity in an orderly fashion.
  6. It is necessary to comply with the principles of using the devices and rooms provided to the patent, including the medical instruments. Remember that they serve many patients!
  7. It is necessary to keep food products in places intended for such purposes.
  8. Avoid disturbing other patients.
  9. It is prohibited to consume alcohol and drugs, other intoxicants, psychotropic substances and any other substances with similar effects.
  10. It is prohibited to smoke tobacco products.
  11. It is prohibited to bring and store hazardous materials and substances, especially flammable, explosive, toxic and other materials and substances with similar effects in the Hospital.
  12. It is strictly prohibited to consume medicine or medical agents other than those prescribed by the doctor in charge or other authorised doctor.
  13. It is strictly prohibited to provide other patients with alcohol/drugs/other intoxicants/psychotropic substances/any substances with similar effects/medicine or other medical agents.
  14. It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily leave the Clinical Department.
  15. It is necessary to comply with the recommendations regarding the treatment process as well as instructions of the medical personnel.
  16. In case of lack of the patient’s compliance with the aforementioned regulations or conduct in discordance with the regulations of the law and lack of compliance with the instructions of the medical personnel, the Clinical Department’s doctor or other authorised person is entitled to call the security or the Police. If a patient infringes the order or course of provision of health care services in a major manner and there is no danger to the patient’s life or health, or the life or health of other persons if the provision of the health care services is denied or ceased, the patient will be discharged from the Hospital.





  1. Please stay in your bed in the hospital room every morning during the doctor’s visit. Only the patients and hospital personnel are allowed to be present during the doctor’s visit, the visitors are asked to leave the room.
  2. Patients who decide not to hand over their valuables are obliged to protect them accordingly.
  3. The hospital personnel is not responsible for valuables not handed over to the deposit.


We are certain that respecting the aforementioned rights and responsibilities by both parties will have a positive impact on the relations between the patients and health care employees and will result
in an efficient course of health care provision.

The full text of the Organisational Regulations of the University Hospital in Kraków is available at:

and the Secretariat of the given Clinical Department.

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