Patient Zone
- Each patient, on admission to the University Hospital, is obliged to present an identity document, and, if the system of Electronic Verification of Beneficiaries’ Eligibility (EWUŚ) does not confirm his/her right to free health services, the patient is obliged to present the relevant proof of insurance.
- Patients eligible for free health services in accordance with the applicable rules (in particular, not covered by health insurance in Poland or in another EU or EFTA member country other than Poland; not having the nationality of third countries with which Poland is bound by relevant international agreements1 as well as a patient who cannot provide documentary evidence of his/her right to free health care benefits pursuant with applicable regulations) shall bear, as a rule, the costs of benefits provided in compliance with the relevant invoice, taking into account the following principles:
a) The preferred form of payment is payment in cash or by credit card in a unit providing health services immediately after providing such services.
b) When a patient does not have the financial resources to immediately pay for the provided health services, he/she shall deliver a written statement of commitment to cover the costs of treatment by a given period. (as entered in the invoice).
c) The statement referred to in letter b above is verified by an employee of the University Hospital in respect to the compatibility of data entered in it with the identity document.
d) If the patient does not have or refuses to present an identity document or there are serious doubts as to the compatibility of data declared by him/her with the actual status, the University Hospital reserves the right to call the police in order to establish the identity of the patient.
- Gynaecological-Obstetrics Outpatient Department
- Infectious Diseases Outpatient Department
- Urology Outpatient Department
- Gynaecological Endocrinology and Fertility Outpatient Department
- Neurology Outpatient Department
- Neurosurgery Outpatient Department
- Vascular Surgery Outpatient Department
- Chronic Pain Management Outpatient Department
- Allergology Outpatient Department
- Geriatrics Outpatient Department
- Arterial Hypertension Outpatient Department (Śniadeckich 10)
- Rheumatology Outpatient Department (Śniadeckich 10)
- Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions Assessment Outpatient Department (Cardiology II)
- Cardiology, Electro-Cardiology and Arterial Hypertension Outpatient Department (Kopernika 17)
- Otolaryngology Outpatient Department
- Gastroenterology Outpatient Department
- Hepatology Outpatient Department (Śniadeckich 5)
- Trauma and Orthopaedics Outpatient Department
- Endoscopic Surgery Outpatient Department (Kopernika 21)
- Endocrinology Outpatient Department (Kopernika 17)
- Immunology and Hypercoagulability Outpatient Department (Skawińska 8)
- Nuclear Medicine Outpatient Department (Kopernika 17)
- Pulmonology Outpatient Department (Skawińska 8)
- Dermatology Outpatient Department
- Allergology Outpatient Department (Skawińska 8)
- Gastrointestinal Surgery Outpatient Department (Kopernika 40)
- Rehabilitation Outpatient Department (Kopernika 19).
We wish to inform that the University Hospital Outpatient Departments operate a system for individual online registration system for first-time visits.
Gradually, the system will include further specialisation areas (until then, it is possible to register via e-mail, as before).
Caution: the system does not serve to appoint/change the dates of further visits!
The e-registration system requires a Patient account – you can create your account here. e-registration is equivalent to registration in person or by phone.
Caution: the original counterpart of doctor’s referral must be submitted not later than within 14 business days from the registration date, equally as in the case of other forms of first-time registration (unless such a referral is not required by the law).
Please, read the information about the service in order to use e-registration and prepare for your first visit.
Patient rights
Patient rights have been defined by the applicable laws, including the act on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients (to be downloaded using the link below). Patient rights have also been listed and displayed in a generally available, visible place, e.g. bulletin board at particular Hospital Departments, as well as other organisational units providing healthcare services.
Requests and complaints
- The University Hospital in Krakow shall receive and handle requests and complaints in a manner guaranteeing equal treatment of the parties, unbiased approach, and strict adherence to the applicable regulations.
- Letter handling as a request or complaint shall depend on its contents, not its form.
- Complaints may refer to such matters as:
- violation of service recipients’ rights with respect to healthcare services, as well as prolonged bureaucratic case handling;
- negligence or improper performance of tasks by Hospital staff.
- Requests may refer to matters involving improvements to the organisation, streamlining work, or preventing abuse, or matters related to more efficient task handling.
- If the insured person believes that his or her right to healthcare is not pursued in a satisfactory manner, they may submit a complaint/ request by phone, mail, in person, or via e-mail.
- Requests and complaints submitted in writing should contain full name of the submitting party, as well as one’s correspondence address; otherwise, the case cannot be handled.
- While submitting a written complaint, patients should attach all the available medical documentation related to the case.
- The regulations regarding acceptance and handling of requests and complaints at the University Hospital in Krakow are available below.
Requests and complaints shall be accepted through: Patient Rights Representative:
Joanna Borgieł-Wojciechowska
Kopernika 36
phone: 12 424 71 99
fax: 12 424 71 68
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Requests and Complaints Department at the Małopolska Regional Branch of the National Health Fund (NFZ) (ul. Batorego 24, 31-135 Kraków, phone: 12 29 88 303).
Headquarters of the National Health Fund (ul. Grójecka 186, 02-390 Warszawa, phone: 800 392 976 – call centre; 22 572 60 42 – call centre; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The Ombudsman for Patients (The Office of the Ombudsman for Patients, ul. Młynarska 46, 01-171 Warszawa; The Ombudsman for Patients’ Call-Centre: 800- 190- 590, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Polish Ombudsman – to the Representative in charge of Protection of Patient Rights and the Rights of the Disabled (00-090 Warszawa, Al. Solidarności 77, operator: 022 551 77 00; 800 676 676; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Patients can also address: Screener for Professional Liability operating both at the Regional and Supreme Chamber of Physicians and Dentists, as well as at the Regional and Supreme Chamber of Nurses and Midwives (Screener for Professional Liability of Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists in Krakow, ul. Krupnicza 11 a, 31-123 Kraków, phone: 12 619 17 17; Screener for Professional Liability of Regional Chamber of Nurses and Midwives in Krakow, ul. Szlak 61, 31-153 Kraków, phone: 12 422 88 54).
Committee at the Governor’s Office in Krakow: Regional Committee for Adjudication on Medical Events; 31-752 Kraków; ul. Ujastek 1 (Building “S”) rooms 1-6 , phone: 12 448 10 22 (secretariat), 12 448 10 21, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Correspondence address: ul. Basztowa 22; 31-156 Kraków
In the event of harm or impairment on the part of the insured, they may refer the case (against a healthcare unit) to a court under a civil law proceeding. In the event of a suspected criminal act, however, patients shall have the right to submit a complaint to the prosecutor’s office.
Patient Information Service – phone: 800 190 590
The Ombudsman for Psychiatric Hospital Patients
Małgorzata Kozieł
Office hours: Fridays 8:15 – 16:15
at the Main Building of the Psychiatry Department for Adults, Children and Youth of the University Hospital in Krakow
Kopernika 21a, 2nd floor, room 209,
between 12:00 – 15:00 hours, the office hours are held at the Departments
phone: 664 089 561
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pursuant to the act of 19 August 1994 on protection of mental health (Polish Journal of Laws 2017.882), persons using healthcare services provided by the psychiatric hospital shall have the right to aid regarding protection of their rights. The right to aid regarding protection of the rights of persons referred to above shall also apply to the persons’ legal representatives, legal guardians, or actual guardians. The protection of rights of persons benefiting from healthcare services provided by the psychiatric hospital is a responsibility of the Ombudsman for Psychiatric Hospital Patients.
Responsibilities of the Ombudsman for Psychiatric Hospital Patients include:
- Assistance in pursuing rights in cases related to admission, treatment, hospitalisation conditions, and discharge from the psychiatric hospital;
- Clarification or assistance in clarification of oral and written complaints from patients;
- Cooperation with the patients’ families, legal representatives, legal guardians, or actual guardians.
- Initiating and conducting educational and informational activities regarding the rights of persons using healthcare services provided by the psychiatric hospital.
The Ombudsman for Patients
Bartłomiej Chmielowiec
The Office of the Ombudsman for Patients
Młynarska 46
01-171 Warszawa
Free call centre: 800 190 590
Available Monday – Friday between 8:00 – 20:00 hours
Personal data provided to the Ombudsman for Psychiatric Hospital Patients shall be controlled by the Ombudsman for Patients with registered office at: ul. Młynarska 46, 01-171 Warszawa, who will act as data controller. Detailed information about the terms for protecting personal data at the Office of the Ombudsman for Patients is available at the hospital bulletin boards and from the Ombudsman for Psychiatric Hospital Patients.
Information about anti-corruption measures
The University Hospital in Krakow has established and implemented relevant anti-corruption procedures to mitigate the risk of corruptive or potentially corruptive incidents. Corruption in healthcare services is a problem that cannot be disregarded. Corruption must be mitigated by joint collaboration of the medical circles through raising awareness and change of attitude.
Dear Patient,
do not hand in any gratuities to healthcare providers for medical services provided by them. Remember that they are remunerated for their work by their employer, and everyone has the right to equal treatment regarding access to medical services. Be fair to yourself and other patients who need healthcare services just as much as you do.
Employees of the University Hospital in Krakow do not expect any gratuities for medical services provided and are not authorised to accept any.
Reporting corruptive or potentially corruptive incidents
Any incidents of corruptive or potentially corruptive incidents occurring at the premises of the University Hospital in Krakow with respect to statutory duties pursued by the Hospital must be immediately reported to the Director of the Hospital via Internal Control Team.
In the event where you witness such an event, please report this fact in one of the following forms:
in writing (at the official address of the University Hospital in Krakow, with annotation: Zespół ds. Kontroli Wewnętrznej (Internal Control Team), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or orally (in person, at the address: ul. M. Kopernika 19, 1st floor, room No. 17e, 31-501 Kraków).
We also inform that the incidents can also be reported anonymously in writing, which information shall be thoroughly analysed.
In the case of anonymous contact, however, our options may be limited due to the fact that anonymous information may hinder the measures taken by the Hospital. This particularly refers to situations where factual status presented is insufficient for intervening, and we cannot contact the anonymous informant (e.g. information provided in writing without indicating the sender or without revealing the identity of the person involved). In such cases, anonymous contact may prevent or significantly extend the time needed for gathering information in order to initiate the investigation.
Therefore, when reporting a corruptive or potentially corruptive incident, it is recommended, if possible, to provide information to answer the following questions: who? to whom? what? where? when? how? why/what for? with what means?
Permissible forms of gratuities to Hospital Staff
The only form of gratuity to Hospital Staff acceptable to the Director of the University Hospital in Krakow, if patients or patient families wish to express their gratitude and commends, involves written reference letters submitted upon discharge to the Staff via direct superior and/or Director of the Hospital.
The words of gratitude can be published at the Hospital website in the tab: “About Us/Thank You Letters from Patients”
Personal Data Protection
Data Protection Officer
Dr. Piotr Pawlikowski
Contact data: phone: (12) 424-71-17, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Hospital has appointed the Data Protection Officer whom you can contact if you have any questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under the personal data protection regulations.
Pursuant to Article 13(1) and Article 13(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L2016.119.1) (hereinafter “GDPR”), I hereby wish to inform as follows:
- Data Controller:
The University Hospital in Krakow (Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie) (hereinafter referred to as the “Hospital”), address: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36, 31‑501 Kraków, phone: 12 424 70 00, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., shall act as your Data Controller.
- Data Protection Officer:
The Hospital has appointed the Data Protection Officer whom you can contact if you have any questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under the personal data protection regulations. Contact data: phone: (12) 424-71-17, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Objective behind processing your personal data and legal grounds for data processing:
The Hospital can process your personal data for the following purposes related to the provision of healthcare services, including:
- determining your identity before providing healthcare services (upon notification, during data verification when appointing a visit by phone, at hospital registration desks, at the doctor’s offices, or at a hospital ward),
- medical diagnosis and treatment, including in medical documentation,
- provision and management of healthcare services, including patient request and complaint handling,
- taking measures with respect to prophylactics, including informing you about the possibility of using healthcare services or sending invitations to tests,
- assuring social security, including issuance of medical certificates and leaves pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) and Article 9(2)(h) GDPR in conjunction with the act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities; act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients; act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds; act of 28 April 2011 on information system in healthcare; and other relevant national regulations;
- for archival, scientific, or statistical purposes, pursuant to Article 9(2)(j) GDPR;
- for purposes related to determination, pursuing or defence against claims, pursuant to Article 9(2)(f) GDPR;
- for purposes related to accountancy records and fiscal documentation, pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) GDPR in conjunction with Article 74(2) of the act of 29 September 1994 Accountancy Law.
- Information about categories of data recipients:
Your personal data can be disclosed to:
- healthcare professionals employed at or collaborating with the Hospital,
- other persons performing auxiliary activities while providing healthcare services, as well as activities related to maintenance of the IT system where medical documentation is processed, as well as assuring security of the system pursuant to powers delegated by the Hospital,
- medical entities cooperating with the Hospital to assure treatment continuity and availability of healthcare services,
- providers of technical and organisational services to the Hospital that allow provision of healthcare services (in particular, including providers and entities specialising in assuring technical services for the IT systems and medical equipment),
- persons preparing to work medical professions and trainees in medical professions, to the extent necessary for pursuing educational purposes,
- entities holding medical registers pursuant to applicable regulations,
- other entities authorised by the law, in particular under Article26 of the act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients.
- Data transfer to third countries or international organisations:
The University Hospital can provide your personal data to recipients located outside the European Economic Area (European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein) in relation to assuring the support of technical medical equipment and IT services by outsourced entities. The transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area may only take place provided that GDPR requirements have been met, in particular where the Commission has decided that the area ensures an adequate level of protection or provided that respective protection measures have been taken.
- Period for which your data shall be stored:
- Your personal data shall be stored for the legally required period of medical documentation storage, according to the legal regulations, in particular including Article 29 of the act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients.
- If your personal data are processed for purposes of determining, pursuing, or defence against claims, your personal data shall be stored until the claims are time-barred, as stipulated in the legal regulations.
- If your personal data are processed for the purposes of accountancy records and fiscal documentation, your personal data shall be stored for the legally required period of accountancy records and fiscal documentation storage.
- Rights of the data subject:
- You shall have the right to demand access to your data, rectification of incorrect data, and supplementation of incomplete data.
- The right to submit complaints to a supervisory authority:
- You have the right to submit complaints to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
- Mandatory data provision:
The provision of your personal data is a statutory requirement and is necessary in order to provide you with healthcare services.
- Information about automated decision-making:
- You shall not be subject to any automated decision-making (without human participation).
- Your personal data will also not be used for profiling.
Outpatient Departments of the University Hospital
The University Hospital in Krakow, as the operator of the key service, according to the act of 5 July 2018 on national cybersecurity system (Polish Journal of Laws 2018.1560), is obligated to provide patients and collaborates access to the knowledge that would allow them to understand the risks related to cybersecurity, and to apply effective protective measures against such risks to the extent related to the key service rendered.
The Hospital has implemented and operates the information security management system pursuant to the requirements of international standard ISO/IEC 27001 in order to mitigate the risk of materialising threats that would adversely affect the process of rendering the key service. In order to assure continuous monitoring of the efficiency of the implemented technical and organisational measures, as well as changes in the legal and technological environment, the Hospital has established the core groups of data protection objectives.
- Physical security
- Security of supplies of the necessary utilities
- Security of cooperation with suppliers of goods and service providers
- Technological security
- Personal security
- Communication security
Such an approach is to assure the possibility of allocating tasks to appropriate roles at the hospital with simultaneous consideration of the impact of external entities on the security level. For the above security purposes, the key service operator shall carry out systematic analysis of susceptibility and incidents that may distort service continuity or contribute to the loss of core security attributes of the information processed.
Physical security
The University Hospital in Krakow has several locations for which coherent procedural rules have been established regarding security of areas important to the security of the key service provision process. Physical security is particularly assured by access control systems (mechanical and electronic locks), CCTV system, employee identification system, as well as security officers and the fire safety system (as a protection measure against fire). Furthermore, the Hospital has implemented alarm procedures in case of various risks.
Due to third party access (patients, visitors, suppliers and service providers) to the Hospital in the 24/7 mode, the security services must take special measures with respect to persons attempting to access restricted access rooms and areas. All persons using Hospital services or visiting patients are asked to watch their luggage (bags, suitcases). Unattended luggage may trigger excessive security measures and expose patients and persons present at the Hospital to unnecessary stress.
If you witness an attempt to breach security measures or to gain unauthorised access to restricted areas, please urgently contact: Cybersecurity Director Representative, phone: (12) 424-71-01, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Security of supplies of the necessary utilities
Because of the critical nature of IT systems, as well as tools and equipment supporting the patient life support process, the Hospital has been equipped with redundant solutions in case of power shortage or failure. Furthermore, due to the vast area, the number of points, switchgears, and cases of theft and devastation of the Hospital infrastructure, relevant service level agreements are in force. Moreover, the Hospital has adopted a consolidated system for failure reporting to respective technical service operators. The priority is to inform, at an early stage, about any events that may affect power supply continuity, or telecommunications and Internet cable routing.
If you witness any risk related thereto, please immediately inform: Cybersecurity Director Representative, phone: (12) 424-71-01, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Security of cooperation with suppliers of goods and service providers
All co-workers, including suppliers of goods and services shall be investigated for confidence and legal compliance due to possible relations with key service provision process. Before provision of information about the Hospital infrastructure, both parties must sign the NDA agreement obligating both parties to keep confidentiality, unlimited in time, as regards knowledge about technical and organisational measures and the Hospital infrastructure.
The Hospital has implemented information security management system and strictly enforces compliance with all internal procedures and instructions. Hospital assets may be at risk from suppliers who have not implemented a systemic approach to information security in one’s organisation. With respect to such entities, the Hospital contractually reserves the right to audit the other party to investigate information security as related to the contract.
All co-workers witnessing an incident involving information security breach must immediately report the observation to: Cybersecurity Director Representative, phone: (12) 424-71-01, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Technological security
The key service of the University Hospital in Krakow is strictly dependent on the information systems. While fulfilling the key service operator duties, the Hospital has broken down the service into its components. For the identified components, susceptibilities have been identifies related to lack of manufacturer support in the area of technologies applied. For such components, the Hospital takes measures aimed at replacement or substitution with secure solutions. All the present solutions are engineered so as to assure redundancy of critical infrastructural components, as well as confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, non-repudiation, and accountability for using the systems for information storage and processing.
All co-workers witnessing system malfunction in the aspect of information security must immediately report the observation to: Cybersecurity Director Representative, phone: (12) 424-71-01, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Personal security
All employees and co-workers, where appropriate, of the University Hospital in Krakow must be aware of the contents of the Information Security Policy and one’s duties in this respect. In reference to the risks related to non-compliance with the Information Security Policy and best practices in the area of secure information processing, the Hospital takes measures to educate about the risks, informing Hospital employees and co-workers about all attempted attacks from criminals on the Hospital’s information resources.
Security in this area also depends on our Patients, hence we have implemented organisational measures to keep control over the data processing of our patients from data acquisition through release to the patient. Due to the attempts of phishing, and pretending to be one’s family, the Hospital has implemented solutions to minimise the risk of providing information about patients’ health to unauthorised persons.
All Patients or co-workers of the Hospital witnessing an attempt of illegal acquisition of data about another person are asked to report the observation to the Data Protection Officer, phone: (12) 424-71-17, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Communication security
Hospital Management and staff shall treat the information exchanged with patients and contractors with due care. In order to assure appropriate security, the entire e-mail communication via public networks not supervised by the Hospital shall be encrypted in order to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access to such information.
Connections among particular Hospital units have been made to assure redundancy and data transfer security. The Hospital uses the services of trusted Internet suppliers to mitigate the risk of error on the supplier side, which could affect Hospital’s business continuity, loss of communication, or compromised security of information transmitted.
The establishment of a new communication path and major changes to the existing communication channels shall require a formal consent of relevant persons in charge of their functioning and security, reporting directly to the Hospital Directors.
All attempts of pretending to be a patient, and unauthorised attempts of connecting to the Hospital infrastructure, or false e-mail messages sent to Hospital staff, must be reported to the Cybersecurity Director Representative, phone: (12) 424-71-01, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to prevent incidents at an early stage.
Patients or co-workers of the Hospital who cannot prove their identity via the e-mail communication process will not be serviced. In such cases, contact in person is recommended, or contact via other communication channel, as appropriate.
Medical Documentation
Medical documentation can be made available:
- for viewing at the unit providing healthcare services,
- in the form of an excerpt, certified copy, copy, or a printout,
- by releasing the original counterpart under a receipt, subject to return after use if the authorised authority or entity requires original counterparts.
Requests for releasing medical documentation can be submitted in writing or otherwise, subject to provision of the data necessary to identify the person being the data subject and the person authorised to collect the documentation.
Exemplary request for medical documentation release
Payment terms
The release of medical documentation is subject to a charge according to applicable regulations. The fee is based on the average salaries in the previous year quarter, published every three months by the President of the Central Statistical Office (new rates shall be applicable starting from the month following the publication). Maximum fees per:
- one page of a certified copy or excerpt: not more than 0.002 average salary;
- one page of a copy: not more than 0.00007 average salary;
- copy on an electronic data carrier (if the documentation is in the digital form): not more than 0.0004 average salary.
Payments can be made in cash upon collecting the documentation by postal order by bank transfer onto the Hospital’s bank account:
72 1130 1150 0012 1143 8620 0046
(as the title, enter the full name of the patient being the data subject, please).
Documentation can be released to the patient or the authorised person after prior payment for making medical documentation available, according to the Price List.
The first copy of medical documentation shall be made available free of charge; if sent by mail, the applicant shall cover the cost of shipment, according to the applicable Price List for releasing medical documentation (pursuant to the price list of the Polish Post Office (Poczta Polska)).
Documentation shall be made available for viewing on site free of charge after prior appointment.
Medical Documentation – additional information
All entities providing healthcare services shall be obligated to maintain and store patients’ medical documentation.
Documentation shall be made available for viewing on site free of charge after prior appointment.
Addresses and contact data:
Medical Documentation and Treatment Verification Section (Sekcja ds. Dokumentacji Medycznej i Weryfikacji Działalności Leczniczej)
Kraków, ul. Jakubowskiego 2 – central registration desk, box 34
Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 14:30
Correspondence address:
30-688 Kraków, ul. Jakubowskiego 2
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone information service: 12 400-34-31
Lodgement of Documents
Kraków, ul. Kopernika 36, ground floor, room 006
Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 15:05
and Kraków, ul. Jakubowskiego 2 (Building A)
Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 15:05
Ethics Committee
The University Hospital in Krakow has appointed the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital in Krakow with the basic aim to provide assistance to employees of the University Hospital in Krakow, as well as patients and their family members with regard to making decisions that are difficult from the ethical point of view, particularly with respect to lethal or severe diseases.
Members of the Ethics Committee:
- prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Jacek Składzień - Chair
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Sładek – Deputy Chair
- dr n. med. Teresa Weber-Lipiec - Secretary
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Wordliczek
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Gąsowski
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Słowik
- dr hab. n. med. Beata Jakubas-Piątkowska
- dr hab. n. med. Maciej Pilecki
- dr n. med. Piotr Kowalski
- dr Zbigniew Zalewski
- dr. pr. Monika Kurbiel
- mgr Lidia Pejas-Grzybek
- mgr Mariola Wechman-Wiśniewska
Objectives of the Ethics Committee:
- management or organisation of training in clinical ethics for employees of the University Hospital in Krakow, as well as for patients and their families,
- verification of requests received,
- mediation in the event of a conflict between the staff and the patient/family,
- mediation in the event of a conflict among the staff,
- proposals of actions to solve ethical problems, if any, in relation to tasks pursued by the University Hospital in Krakow,
- issue of opinions regarding difficult clinical cases,
- formulation of general guidelines recommending a specific method for solving typical ethical problems, addressed to Directors of the University Hospital, respective managers and employees of organisation units at the University Hospital in Krakow,
- taking actions to improve ethical standards in the operations of the University Hospital in Krakow, as well as offering consultations to support particular employees and relevant organisation units of the Hospital in situations questionable from the ethical point of view, including anti-corruption measures, and as related to corruptive or potentially corruptive incidents.
Specification of ethical problem related to the University Hospital in Krakow.
Practical Information
Parking Lot
Entry to the Hospital premises.
Pursuant to the Regulation of the Director of the University Hospital in Krakow, fees are charged for vehicle entry and parking at the Hospital premises, with the parking lot located at Śniadeckich 7-13.
The following shall not be charged:
the disabled and authorised persons pursuant to a document conforming to the template attached to the Regulation, oncological patients and patients for dialysis from the Departments of Haematology, Nephrology, and Oncology, pursuant to “Single Entry Pass” issued at the entrance to the Hospital, always confirmed by the doctor in charge.
Entrance fee, depending on the planned target parking place totals PLN 5 or PLN 6, respectively. Information about the rates can be obtained from the Parking Officer who collects the charges at the entrance gates to the Hospital.
Regulations for entry and parking at the University Hospital premises
Pastoral Care
Information for Patients of the University Hospital in Krakow
The Roman Catholic Church
The Hospital chaplaincy service is provided (24/7) by the missionaries from the Congregation of the Mission and the Jesuit priests. The chaplaincy is located at the Church of the Immaculate Conception (former church of St. Lazarus Hospital).
address: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 19, 31-501 Kraków
phone: (+48) 12 424 78 85
The Holy Masses:
business days: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika: 7:30, 16:00; NSSU (New Building): 15:15
holidays: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika: 10:00, 16:00; NSSU (New Building): 11:00
Every Saturday at 16:00, the Mass with a novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and a prayer for the patients, healthcare and those asking for prayers.
Daily, between 8:00 and 11:00, office hours at the chaplaincy devoted to conversation, confession, requests, and intentions for the Masses, as well as certificate issue.
Daily, in the mornings and afternoons, visits to all clinical departments.
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
The Evangelical Parish
- St. Martin Church
- Grodzka 58, 31-044 Kraków
- phone: (+48) 12 42 22 583
- phone: (+48) 12 44 66 430
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Office hours:
- Monday, Thursday: 10:00 – 16:00
- Sunday: 11:00 – 15:00
The Orthodox Church
- address: ul. Szpitalna 24; 31-024 Kraków,
- phone: 12 422 72 77
- e- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Office hours:
- Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 12:00
Jehovah’s Witnesses
- address: ul. Warszawska 14, 05-830 Nadarzyn,
- phone: 22 739 16 00
- fax: 22 739 17 00
The University Hospital in Krakow implements the regulations of the act on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients, whereby:
- Patients remaining at stationary care units shall have the right to personal contact, contact by phone or correspondence with other people.
- Patients shall have the right to being informed about their condition.
Visits at the University Hospital in Krakow can take place on all days of the week. Visiting hours and duration of visits, however, may depend on the conditions at the unit and the specificity of the department where Patients remain.
In the case of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Departments, as well as Departments with intensified supervision, where patients must be isolated, visits can only take place after obtaining a prior consent from the doctor in charge or the doctor on duty.
Visitors must follow all the instructions and guidelines from the Hospital staff.
All decisions to restrict the time and scope of visits, as stipulated in the Regulations, shall be issued by the Head of Department or the Director in writing, and must include justification and the envisaged duration of such restrictions. Contents of such decisions shall be informed to the Hospital staff, patients and visitors (announcement).
Information about patient condition can only be provided by heads of departments, doctors in charge or doctors on duty at times stipulated by the Head of the Clinical Department.
Information about the condition of patients in severe condition, or in particularly justified cases, shall be provided by doctors at any time.
Information about patient condition shall not be provided by phone.
Nurses and midwives can only provide information regarding nursing care.
Guidelines for Visitors:
- Due to increased number of activities and procedures involving patients in the morning hours and before lunch, it is recommended to visit patients in the afternoon.
- During the visits, make sure that your behaviour should not disturb the peace and hospital order.
- Visitors and persons providing additional nursing care must not: consume or supply alcohol, drugs, other psychotropic substances, or other similar substances; smoke; bring in hazardous materials and substances, particularly including flammable, explosive, toxic, and other similar substances; bring animals to Hospital buildings.
- Patients must not be visited by persons with contagious diseases or infections.
- Persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances are prohibited from visiting patients.
- Visitors must follow the order applicable at the Hospital, and abide by all instructions from the Hospital staff while remaining at the Hospital premises.
- At patients’ request, the right to visits can be restricted or abolished with respect to persons indicated by them.
- Visitors may address the head of department, doctor in charge, or doctor on duty with a request for information about patient condition, but the doctor may only provide such information to the person indicated by the patient.
- In the event where visitors violate the rules for visiting (disturb the peace and hospital order, or interfere with the treatment or therapeutical process), in cases justified with the patient’s interest or the Hospital interest, the doctor may restrict visits by such a person.
Information about costs related to hospitalisation
Dear Patients, we present the information related to costs that may be related to hospitalisation.
Rules and organisation of healthcare services under a charge at the University Hospital in Krakow have been determined by Regulation No. 83/2018-A-K of the Director of the University Hospital in Krakow of 30 May 2018. The rules are as follows:
The University Hospital in Krakow shall provide healthcare services under a charge in particular in the following cases:
- for persons not entitled to healthcare services financed from public funds;
- for persons entitled to healthcare services financed from public funds if the services do not qualify as guaranteed services;
- for persons referred by other entities, where the services are provided at the request of and financed by such entities.
Rates for healthcare services under a charge shall be determined according to the Hospital Organisational Regulations and the Price List, as well as the contract individually defining the remuneration or individual cost estimate, as appropriate, considering actual cost of a healthcare service.
In the case of planned services financed exclusively by natural persons, the fees shall be paid upfront in the full amount, whereas if the final amount of the fee may vary – not lower than 50% of the envisaged amount.
Caution: Unless the agreement with the Patient or the payment authority states otherwise, costs of hospitalisation shall be determined considering the applicable price list for healthcare services (medical procedures), current prices per day of hospitalisation per person at particular Hospital departments (see the chart below), and actual costs (as incurred by the Hospital) with respect of a given Patient: medical products (medical materials), medicinal products (medication), blood preparations, and preparations for enteral and parenteral feeding, which have not been included in the price of a medical procedure.
Rules for Admission
- The right to healthcare services
- Pursuant to the Act, the right to treatment and healthcare services on the terms specified therein is attributable to the insured, namely:
- all persons covered with the nation-wide mandatory and voluntary health insurance at the National Health Fund;
- members of the insured’s family registered for insurance.
Information for citizens of the European Union Member States, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States, and Switzerland.
- Referral
When reporting to the selected service provider, apart from confirmed right to healthcare services, patients must submit a valid referral. It is a document required for diagnostic tests and services provided within the framework of:
- ambulatory specialist care,
- hospital treatment,
- spa treatment,
- medical rehabilitation,
- care for patients with chronic diseases.
Information charts regarding hospital treatment or emergency room do not constitute a formal referral. If the information chart includes a recommendation for continuation of treatment, the doctor in charge must issue a formal referral. Remember that one referral serves for registration in just one centre providing healthcare services in a given area! Referrals are not required to appoint visits with specialists in the following areas:
- gynaecology and obstetrics,
- oncology,
- psychiatry,
- Venereal diseases,
- dentistry.
Referrals are also not required from the following beneficiaries of ambulatory specialist care:
- disabled soldiers,
- persecuted persons,
- veterans,
- blind civil victims of war,
- patients with tuberculosis,
- patients infected with HIV,
- patients examined as organ donors,
- patients addicted to alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances – for addiction treatment,
- authorised persons (soldiers or employees) – to the extent of treatment of traumas or diseases acquired when performing duties outside the territory of Poland,
- persons, regardless the age, holding a significant disability certificate pursuant to the Act of 9 May 2018 on special solutions to support persons with significant disability.
Referrals are not required in emergency cases.
Referrals can be issued by:
- for diagnostic tests, services under ambulatory specialist care, spa treatment, medical rehabilitation, and long-term care – by the general physician or other doctor providing healthcare services under a valid contract with the National Health Fund;
- for cost-intensive diagnostic tests (CT, MR) – by a doctor having a valid contract with the National Health Fund working at a clinic a valid contract with the National Health Fund for ambulatory specialist care, rehabilitation, or psychiatry, in charge of treating the patient and stating the need for diagnostics (in medically justified cases);
- for hospital treatment – any doctor. This does not have to be a doctor a contract with the National Health Fund!
- for spa treatment – a doctor having a contract with the National Health Fund;
- for sanitary transport – requests to be issued by a doctor/paramedic under a contract with the National Health Fund;
- for sanitary transport under basic healthcare services – requests to be issued by a general physician.
- requests within the framework of responsibilities of basic care nurses – to be issued by a general physician.
- Services provided to patients without a referral, except for the listed cases, shall not be financed by the National Health Fund, and shall be charged to the patient.
General physicians referring patients to specialists or the hospital must attach the results of the necessary diagnostics to allow confirmation of the preliminary diagnosis!
- Registration
During the registration, patients must remember that planned admissions to the Hospital/ Outpatient Departments require referrals from doctors. Referrals must be submitted with attached diagnostic test results and documentation from consultations to confirm the preliminary diagnosis forming the basis for referral, as well as all relevant information about prior specialist or hospital treatment or the treatment applied. Upon admission to the Hospital / Outpatient Department, patients must present their ID documents. Registration can be made: directly at the Outpatient Department /Laboratory, etc. (in person, via an authorised person), by phone, and by e-mail:
- Waiting Lists
Healthcare services must be provided according to the registered order, during business hours of the service provider, according to the established schedule. If the services cannot be provided to patients on the day of registration, every centre providing healthcare services pursuant to a contract with the National Health Fund within the framework of:
- ambulatory specialist care,
- hospital treatment,
- psychiatric care and addiction treatment,
- medical rehabilitation,
- long-term care,
- dental care,
shall be obligated to point to another service date, and include a patient in the waiting list for persons awaiting the service.
Patients continuing their treatment are not placed on waiting lists.
Pursuant to the Act, in order to receive one healthcare service pursuant to a referral, patients can only be entered in one waiting list!
Rules for drafting the waiting lists.
- Special rights of persecuted persons, veterans, disabled soldiers, and civil blind victims of war
- If you happen to be disabled soldiers, veterans, or persecuted persons, you shall have the priority in accessing healthcare services, and the right to benefit from ambulatory consultations and specialist care of any type, without a referral.
Drafted pursuant to Vademecum 2011, National Health Fund (NFZ)
- Right to priority healthcare services
If you happen to belong to any of the groups listed below, you shall have the right to priority treatment in healthcare services. The right is attributable to:
- service recipients holding the title of “Honoured Voluntary Blood Donor” or “Honoured Graft Donor”,
- disabled soldiers and veterans,
- injured veterans for treatment of traumas and diseases acquired when performing duties outside the territory of Poland,
- authorised soldiers or employees, for treatment of traumas and diseases acquired when performing duties outside the territory of Poland,
- pregnant women,
- service recipients under the age of 18 with diagnosed severe and irreversible impairment or incurable life-threatening disease occurring in the prenatal period or during the labour,
- activists of the anti-communist opposition and persons persecuted for political reasons,
- persons, regardless the age, holding a significant disability certificate pursuant to the Act of 9 May 2018 on special solutions to support persons with significant disability.
Persons entitled to priority healthcare services.
Information duty for People covered with CCTV monitoring at the University Hospital in Krakow
Pursuant to Article 13(1) and Article 13(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L2016.119.1) (hereinafter “GDPR”), I hereby wish to inform as follows:
- Data Controller:
The University Hospital in Krakow (Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie) (hereinafter referred to as the “Hospital”), address: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36, 31‑501 Kraków, phone: 12 424 70 00, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., shall act as your Data Controller.
- Data Protection Officer:
The Hospital has appointed the Data Protection Officer whom you can contact if you have any questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under the personal data protection regulations. Contact data: e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: 12 424 71 17.
- Objective behind processing your personal data and legal grounds for data processing:
CCTV monitoring is carried out to assure security of people present at the Hospital premises and Hospital property by allowing observation of camera images and their recording for later use, pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) GDPR in conjunction with relevant national regulations, including the act of 16 December 2016 on the rules for state property management.
- Information about categories of data recipients:
Your personal data can be disclosed to:
- Hospital employees and collaborates authorised to process personal data of persons covered with CCTV monitoring in relation to their professional duties or services on request of the Hospital;
- providers of technical and organisational services to the Hospital (in particular, including providers and entities specialising in assuring technical services for the IT systems);
- entities authorised to do so by the law.
- Data transfer to third countries or international organisations:
The Hospital does not plan transferring your personal data to recipients located outside the European Economic Area (European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein) or international organisations.
- Period for which your data shall be stored:
Recordings of the images containing personal data shall only be processed for purposes for which they were collected, and shall be stored for the period not exceeding 30 days from recording, unless separate regulations require otherwise.
- Rights of the data subjects:
You shall have the right to access your data.
- The right to submit complaints to a supervisory authority:
You have the right to submit complaints to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
- Information about automated decision-making:
You shall not be subject to any automated decision-making (without human participation). Your personal data will also not be used for profiling.
Personal Data Protection
Data Protection Officer
Dr. Piotr Pawlikowski
Contact data: phone: (12) 424-71-17, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Hospital has appointed the Data Protection Officer whom you can contact if you have any questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under the personal data protection regulations.
Methods of exercising the rights of data subjects.
All data subjects shall have the right to address the Hospital with a request to exercise one’s rights under Articles 15 through 22 GDPR, namely:
- right of access to one’s data – Article 15 GDPR,
- right to rectification of incorrect data – Article 16 GDPR,
- right to erasure – in the event of the circumstances stipulated in Article 17 GDPR,
- right to restriction of processing – in cases listed in Article 18 GDPR,
- right to data portability – in cases listed in Article 20 GDPR,
- right to object - in cases listed in Article 21 GDPR,
- right to object to profiling – in cases listed in Article 22 GDPR.
Requests must be addressed to the Data Protection Officer, e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: 12 424 71 17.
The Hospital has appointed the Data Protection Officer whom you can contact if you have any questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under the personal data protection regulations.
Pursuant to Article 13(1) and Article 13(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L2016.119.1) (hereinafter “GDPR”), I hereby wish to inform as follows:
- Data Controller:
The University Hospital in Krakow (Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie) (hereinafter referred to as the “Hospital”), address: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36, 31‑501 Kraków, phone: 12 424 70 00, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., shall act as your Data Controller.
- Data Protection Officer:
The Hospital has appointed the Data Protection Officer whom you can contact if you have any questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under the personal data protection regulations. Contact data: phone: (12) 424-71-17, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Objective behind processing your personal data and legal grounds for data processing:
- The Hospital can process your personal data for the following purposes:
- purposes related to the provision of healthcare services, including:
- determining your identity before providing healthcare services (upon notification, during data verification when appointing a visit by phone, at hospital registration desks, at the doctor’s offices, or at a hospital ward),
- medical diagnosis and treatment, including in medical documentation,
- provision and management of healthcare services, including patient request and complaint handling,
- taking measures with respect to prophylactics, including informing you about the possibility of using healthcare services or sending invitations to tests,
- assuring social security, including issuance of medical certificates and leaves pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) and Article 9(2)(h) GDPR in conjunction with the act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities; act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients; act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds; act of 28 April 2011 on information system in healthcare; and other relevant national regulations;
- for archival, scientific, or statistical purposes, pursuant to Article 9(2)(j) GDPR;
- for purposes related to determination, pursuing or defence against claims, pursuant to Article 9(2)(f) GDPR;
- for purposes related to accountancy records and fiscal documentation, pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) GDPR in conjunction with Article 74(2) of the act of 29 September 1994 Accountancy Law.
Information about categories of data recipients:
Your personal data can be disclosed to:
- healthcare professionals employed at or collaborating with the Hospital,
- other persons performing auxiliary activities while providing healthcare services, as well as activities related to maintenance of the IT system where medical documentation is processed, as well as assuring security of the system pursuant to powers delegated by the Hospital,
- medical entities cooperating with the Hospital to assure treatment continuity and availability of healthcare services,
- providers of technical and organisational services to the Hospital that allow provision of healthcare services (in particular, including providers and entities specialising in assuring technical services for the IT systems and medical equipment),
- persons preparing to work medical professions and trainees in medical professions, to the extent necessary for pursuing educational purposes,
- entities holding medical registers pursuant to applicable regulations,
- other entities authorised by the law, in particular under Article26 of the act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients.
- Data transfer to third countries or international organisations:
The University Hospital can provide your personal data to recipients located outside the European Economic Area (European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein) in relation to assuring the support of technical medical equipment and IT services by outsourced entities. The transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area may only take place provided that GDPR requirements have been met, in particular where the Commission has decided that the area ensures an adequate level of protection or provided that respective protection measures have been taken.
- Period for which your data shall be stored:
- Your personal data shall be stored for the legally required period of medical documentation storage, according to the legal regulations, in particular including Article 29 of the act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients.
- If your personal data are processed for purposes of determining, pursuing, or defence against claims, your personal data shall be stored until the claims are time-barred, as stipulated in the legal regulations.
- If your personal data are processed for the purposes of accountancy records and fiscal documentation, your personal data shall be stored for the legally required period of accountancy records and fiscal documentation storage.
- Rights of the data subject:
You shall have the right to demand access to your data, rectification of incorrect data, and supplementation of incomplete data.
The right to submit complaints to a supervisory authority:
You have the right to submit complaints to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
- Mandatory data provision:
The provision of your personal data is a statutory requirement and is necessary in order to provide you with healthcare services.
- Information about automated decision-making:
You shall not be subject to any automated decision-making (without human participation).
Your personal data will also not be used for profiling.